Month: August 2019

Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell stirred controversy after she expressed hope that Hurricane Dorian would batter President Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, next week. Dorian is forecast to make landfall Monday, as a potentially devastating Category 4 storm, somewhere between southern Georgia and the Florida Keys. Campbell tweeted Wednesday she was “rooting […]

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A new trove of documents has exposed how intrusively a trio of Donald Trump’s wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago with absolutely no government experience meddled in the operations of the Department of Veterans Affairs and pestered staff with what one VA physician called “ridiculous” questions and demands. The nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in […]

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) defended her decision to block certain Twitter users after the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University urged her not to block people based on their “viewpoints.” The progressive lawmaker argued on Twitter on Thursday that among her some 5.2 million followers on the social media platform, she has fewer than […]

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has been drawing increasingly large crowds as she campaigns for the Democratic nomination to run against President Donald Trump. And it’s not just her supporters who have noticed.  On Tuesday, Trump attacked Warren, claiming the media reports inflated her crowd size. Then, for good measure, he threw in his racist nickname for […]

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Un breve riassunto delle salite di Markus Bendler, Steve McClure, Gérôme Pouvreau, Martina Cufar, Tomàs Mrazek, Patxi Usobiaga, Ueli Steck and Ines Papert. In questi ultimi tempi sembra proprio che in falesia stia succedendo di tuttto. Ecco un breve riassunto delle ultime salite, messe in ordine… alfabetico dei protagonisti. Austria Markus Bendler ha liberato "Gwagus […]

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Quest’estate si sono susseguiti i concatenamenti in velocità delle 15 cime oltre i 4.267m, gli ultimi tempi record sono di Russ Mc Bride e poi di Hans Florine. Una singolare ma appassionante competizione si sta svolgendo tra i monti della Sierra Nevada, in California. Si tratta della salita in sequenza, in tempi sempre più rapidi, […]

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Riceviamo, e volentieri pubblichiamo le riflessioni di Simone Moro sul Meeting della Montagna – Grignetta d’oro 2006, che seguono l’intervista rilasciata dallo stesso Moro a il 25/10/2006. 21-22 ottobre 2006 MEETING DELLA MONTAGNA GRIGNETTA D’ORO 2006 quinta edizione CENTRO LA MONTANINA Pian dei Resinelli Lecco Testimonial: Claudio Corti Premiati: per l’alpinismo: Rolando Larcher e […]

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