When you see a luxury designer handbag, you can often picture the person carrying it. A quilted Chanel bag, for example, is historically synonymous with an uptown denizen with coiffed hair and more than one fine jewel on her manicured fingers. A Telfar bag is its modern inverse. But who carries a Loewe bag? It’s harder to pin down, and that’s by design.

Ever since designer Jonathan Anderson joined the Spanish luxury brand Loewe in 2013, he’s transformed the label into a symbol of quiet good taste. The word “craftsmanship” comes up a lot. His products don’t feel flashy, but they do feel special.

The owner of a Loewe shoulder pouch is less interested in logos than details – like the smooth edges and rich colors. Maybe it reminds them of a woven bag they bought for significantly less money when they were younger. They bring it to work and out to dinner at night, but not out out, because they don’t really go out out. Well, maybe they’ll attend the occasional natural wine event, but that’s different. (They went to college with the founders.) They could own a gallery in any of the five boroughs; your guess is as good as mine. They go to the farmer’s market on weekends, and maybe throw some vegetables in there. The point isn’t to show off, or even to make a statement; the point is to carry around something really nice, every day.

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